Leader and Entrepreneur. Energized by making it happen (and making it fun!)

Communicator. Writer and Podcaster. Passionately curious about what makes people tick. Asking life’s BIG QUESTIONS about work, fulfillment and success.

Executive/Career Coach. Thought partner to today’s brightest minds. Known for getting to the heart of the matter with tact.

Open Book. I dig deep and put my humanity on the internet. Which means others show me theirs. 

Thought Leader. Critical thinker. Let’s boldly go to the core issue or what’s the point? 

Life Alchemist. Lyme disease survivor. Existential questioner. Comfortable in the uncomfortable. 


I’ve built businesses that challenge current thinking, that swim upstream in a good way.

Startup founder. I built an apparel manufacturing and retail company (Certified B Corp) from the ground up. I founded a thriving executive/career coaching company with highly effective original methodology. I invented a new consumer product with global demand.

Creator of community, connections, and safe spaces where you share what you would usually hide. My clients call my coaching ‘career therapy.’

I lead with empathy, courage, and by example. Good leaders are both on stage and in the audience with you at the same time. I believe in constant learning, openness and collaboration.

What my clients say about working with me:

“She asks the hard questions with empathy to help you find the path that is right for you, rather than repackaging your existing storyline which may or may not be serving you. In Sara, I had a partner who understood the career I had built as well as my deep desire for something different.”

“I never would have made a change if I hadn't started working with her.”

“Her approach was breathtakingly tender, gentle, and refreshing.”

“She spoke of a new way of moving through the world that wasn't motivated by fear, hoop-jumping, or cycles of endlessly proving one's worth.”

“Even though my resume looks great, the highly coveted jobs I held never brought me any pleasure, which made me think there was something wrong with me. Sara helped me to understand what conditioning and life experiences guided my previous career decisions so far and helped me to discover what I truly enjoy.

“I like how she encouraged me to wipe the slate clean....to back up and think about what things give me energy. I was so hung up on what I should do, I couldn't see what I liked to do.”


I ask questions at the intersection of work, fulfillment and success.

What do I do with my life? What’s my purpose? How do I enjoy my existence? What kind of work is most aligned with who I am, my skills and natural aptitudes? Where will I find success?…Always thinking about what makes people get up in the morning, feel alive and engaged in their sweet spot.

I’ve appeared in the following publications and more…

I’ve been published in Forbes 40+ times. But these aren’t your typical articles. For many of these I needed a big jolt of courage to hit ‘publish.’

Sample pieces below:

  • Tired of trying to figure out what you want? I got you. Read by more than 250k and many say, “Yes! THIS.

  • Lost motivation for your work? Yup. Read this one.

Forthcoming book 📖 Interested publishers welcome

Love notes from strangers in my inbox <3

“I stumbled across your profile and stayed there for a long time.”

“…Your words hit home more than anything I've ever read. Thank you!”

“Your approach is deep and brilliant. Your writing style is soothing and enlightening. I’ll be reading more of your work for sure. I rarely do that :)”

“Thank you for sharing your struggle and care, I will be referring to your articles and posts for a long time. They are inspiring and hopeful.”

“I am only about two paragraphs in, and the tears are building up–your story so closely mirrors mine. Thank you for the work that you do and wisdom you are bringing to the world.”

“What you have shared so far has resonated with me deeply. So deeply that it's even given me courage to start showing up in the world in different ways… thank you for being "first" and paving the way and shining the light of safety, sanity and courage.”

I cried insanely heavy when I read your page. I guess it's just I've never met or connected with anyone who tells me that it is okay to be happy. Thank you for being like my big sister I wish I had.”

I was looking for some light and I found it reading your articles.”

“Reading about someone going through a similar issue, and describing my problems with such clarity was, well, freeing. Like I wasn’t alone in this, like, as Mr Rogers said, whatever was mentionable could be manageable:)”

“…I couldn't believe what I was reading. It was like I wrote it myself.”

…You are the type of person that is finally giving me the courage to take responsibility for changing my life.”

“I keep on worrying about my future for a job and success... whatever "success" is. Your article made me feel such peace. It is people like you that keep me going.”

“Your writing and guidance is EVERYTHING I need. It speaks to exactly where I am right now in a hamster wheel that I feel I should be in. Thank you for the honest and inspiring approach”

“Your article about motivation had a massive impact on me.”

“You have a beautiful gift for communicating in a way that connects immediately to the reader. Your honesty is brave and KIND…”

“I wait for that notification in my inbox that tells me a new post from my favorite author on Forbes is here!”

“After reading some of your material I am starting to become more honest with myself about what's really important to ME; not to others or society.”

“Thanks for your social impact work. We need more Sara Young Wangs.”

“I love your articles. I found them an hour ago. They really calmed me and encouraged me tonight. They are well written and ring so true to me. 💜”

“Just read your post and it is majorly inspiring!

“For many years no article has caught my eyes like yours on Forbes, thank you for sharing.” 

Full writing catalog here


I’m host of the Purple Crayon Podcast. Available on iTunes and Spotify.

Listen to a soothing ASMR voice (so I'm told). I cover some often sticky and anxiety provoking career/existential territory with a fresh perspective.


See PDF for the traditional resume. Below is a more colorful walk though.

tippy type

Founder/CEO, 2023-current

Chicago, IL

Sara Young Wang Executive/Career Coaching

Founder, 2016 – current

Serving clients globally, based in Chicago, IL

In late 2014 serious illness forced me to take a time out and examine what I was doing and why I was making the career choices I was making. I had to ask myself the deep and messy questions. Who am I? What do I really want? What work will be best suited to me and my talents? It led to developing an original methodology effective at supporting others at a similar juncture asking theses questions for themselves. Find more at syoungwang.com

Kitts Inc.

Founder, 2014 – 2017

Toronto, Canada

Remember TOMS shoes? or maybe you have a pair of Bombas in your sock drawer? Kitts was the same business model but with undergarments: one pair of underwear donated to charity for every pair sold. Underwear are the highest requested yet undersupplied item in homeless shelters. I developed, manufactured and retailed the product. Learned everything about the apparel retail space, nose to tail.

Deloitte Consulting

Consultant, 2014

Toronto, Canada

Worked within the Human Capital consulting practice, focusing on organization design.

UNFAO (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization)

Assistant to Deputy-Director General of Operations, 2012

Rome, Italy

Assisted with research and provided analytical support to produce research briefs, reports, speeches and presentations on key strategic issues. Left office due to unforeseen political shakeup.

UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)

Intern, Management of Social Transformations Programme, 2011

Paris, France

My boss told me she gets an avalanche of intern applications/inquiries. I was hired because of my communication skill and ability to craft a compelling pitch:) During my time there I assisted in assessing UNESCO’s performance in creation / promotion of evidence-based public policy in developing countries, a core tenet of UNESCO.

Prime Strategies Group

Political Consultant, 2009-2010

Toronto, Canada

Currently I'm the founder/CEO of tippy type. We make typing more productive, comfortable, and fun for those who love long nails! See tippytype.co for more.

Represented companies and industry organizations with respect to the impact of legislation within their industries. Crash course in multiple stakeholder management and influencing.


London School of Economics and Political Science - London, UK (2010-2012)

Master of Public Administration (MPA) - specialized in Economic Policy and International Development

University of Toronto – Victoria University - Toronto, Canada (2005-2009)

Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Health Studies /Public Health Policy

~ United States, Canada and United Kingdom citizenships ~

Get in touch
